Winter 2022 Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter: Winter 2022


Meeting Challenges with Opportunity. 

2021 presented many challenges brought on by the continuing COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. From safety protocols and policies to food availability access, we are all learning new ways to function efficiently and safely in what sometimes appears to be a new world. AIO has recognized opportunities to expand our programs, improve our client's experience, and engage an enthusiastic volunteer corp within these challenges.

This quarterly newsletter features a look back over the past year from both a personal and numbers point of view. Looking back, I find it hard to believe what we have been able to fit into a single year! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed reflecting on a truly remarkable year. We are immensely grateful to you, our community, for the role you play in our success. Thank you. 

Joe Ryan, Executive Director, AIO Food & Energy Assistance

Mainers' have always known how to take care of each other. In 2021, we demonstrated that at a new level. As many of us faced difficult times financially, socially, and physically, the greater Rockland and Knox County community stepped up to help those who struggle a little more than most. We discovered shareable resources in our community. We learned how to ask for help and how to accept help. And, we have shown that acts of kindness can make a difference on a scale beyond our imagination. The following statistics represent growth in all four of our core programs.

Click on each of the tiles below to learn more about the story. 

FILL THE STRAND Event Storms to Success!
Thanks to community support filled the seats in the Strand 3 times over! 
It was a wild weather day with 60-mile per hour winds,  sideways rain and a power outage, but that didn't stop volunteers from Allen Insurance & Financial and AIO from being at the ready to greet visitors, nor donors from braving the weather to drop off their donations. 

THANK YOU to everyone who helped “Fill The Stand” and provide AIO with much-needed funds and food to help families throughout Knox County endure another challenging winter. The response from the community has been tremendous!

The results are in-- and together we filled the Strand more than three times,  raising almost $25,000 in sponsorships and donations and more than a 1/2 ton in food donations. 

Thanks to those behind the scenes who helped plan and run the event: Jessie Davis, Jana Herbener and Liz McLeod from the Strand; Jill Lang and Wendy Boyd from Allen Insurance & Financial and Leila Murphy for AIO. We are grateful to David Troup who generously photographed the event for us.  

For a full gallery of photos from the day visit our website.  
Photo credit: David Troup and Leila Murphy.

When asked about what she loves most about volunteering with AIO, volunteer Donna Allen without hesitation says, "it is the camaraderie. I have developed relationships with almost every client and volunteer that comes in on Wednesday mornings.” Additionally, she “loves to listen to the clients and hear their stories.”

Donna is originally from Cassadaga, NY, however has lived in Rockland since the early 1980’s. Her personal history includes eight years in the armed services at Fort Bragg, Fort Meade, and Fort Monroe. She met her husband and then moved with him to Germany where he was stationed in Zingenberg.  

Donna is one of many volunteers who has been a resolute supporter of our organization during these tumultuous times. Donna also helps behind the scenes with data entry, donations and provides leadership at The Masonic Fraternity food drives bringing in nearly 70-pounds of food with each event.

We appreciate you Donna! Your hard work and reliability are recognized by your peers, the clients, and the staff. We look forward to many more years of your wonderful personality and charitable nature.

"I really appreciate all AIO does for my husband and me. I don't have much to give back, but I can knit. Do you think you could use some hats?"

That is where it began. 
Since that day in early December, Annette Schmiz has knitted countless hats, ear-warmers, and baby blankets for other AIO visitors to take for free. These beautiful, handmade items have been both head and heart-warming. Others clients have appreciated her gift so much that they fly off the table, inspiring her to make more and more until she ran out of yarn. 
We asked our friends on Facebook to consider donating any spare yarn they have so Annette could continue to knit for our AIO clients. The response was equally impressive, and Annette continues to knit more handmade hats and blankets. We are so proud to be part of this kind, generous, and supportive community, proving that sharing truly is caring. 
Thank you Annette for keeping our heads, hands, ears and hearts warm. 
Thank you for your interest in our work- we are grateful to have you as part of our community. There are many ways that you can help support our programs and the clients we serve: 
  • Share this newsletter with your friends, family and colleagues
  • Follow us on social media to stay updated on our activities
  • Volunteer with us! We have a variety of opportunities that can work with your schedule
  • Make a monetary donation- when you make a financial gift you are helping to provide food, energy and diaper assistance to families who need help
  • Make an inkind donation- Donations of food, diapers, and hygiene items are greatly appreciated. 
  • Hold a Food or Diaper drive! The majority of the food and diapers we distribute come from donations.
  • Hold a Facebook Fundraiser in honor of your birthday or anniversary
  • AmazonSmile- Shop at Amazon Smile and Amazon will make a donation to AIO Food and Energy Assistance. You must first register AIO as your intended charity.
  • Other Ways to Give- visit our website to learn about other ways you can support AIO.
Yes! I want to support AIO!
AIO Food and Energy Assistance
Mailing Address:    ​P.O. Box 113, Rockland, ME  04841
Location:  1A Gordon Drive, Rockland, ME 04841      
Phone:    (207) 596-1043

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Shepard Auto Group offers a $5,000 Heat Assistance Challenge.


Year 2 FILL THE STRAND Success!