AIO Assistance
Food Assistance
AIO Market is an indoor shopping experience available on Mondays & Wednesdays from 10am-6pm and Fridays and Saturdays from 10am-1pm. We have a large variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, grains, dry goods, snacks, beverages, and personal hygiene items. We welcome clients to shop as often as needed, up to once per week. Please take what you need, but remember your neighbors are shopping behind you & also need food.
Weekend Meals
AIO provides meals and snacks for school-age children in Knox County during the school year. Every Friday, bags of kid-friendly food are brought to participating schools for students to eat over the weekend.
Energy Assistance
AIO helps households with either heating fuel or electricity disconnection prevention. A volunteer will call your fuel or electricity provider to make a payment on your behalf. This program is for anyone who needs a little help making ends meet.
Diaper Assistance
AIO has diaper bags in the Market containing 20 diapers + 1 package of wipes or 10 training pants available to clients who have diapered children in their homes. Clients can grab one bag per diapered child as they shop. If you do not need food, just ask a Volunteer for diapers when you come in.
We also have youth sized disposable underwear.