Spreading warmth this season

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Spreading warmth this season

As many of us prepare for the holidays and the winter ahead, at AIO we are reminded that it isn’t wonderful for many families in our community who may be facing unexpected challenges. 

AIO hopes to bring some warmth to these families by providing food and heating assistance to anyone (and everyone) who needs help. We invite you to help AIO provide more food and heat to families who need our help now, more than ever.

We hope that you will join us in helping spread warmth and joy this season. 

Your year-end gift will help AIO provide more food and heat to families who need help. A full belly helps ward off the cold. A warm home is a safe home.

We are half way to meeting our goal to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.
Will you help us reach our goal by making a gift to our annual appeal?  


Make the most of your 2020 Giving to AIO using the CARES Act:
The CARES Act, enacted by Congress in the spring, was created to help combat the impacts of COVID-19 by providing increased tax incentives for donors who make charitable donations by December 31, 2020.  Donors who itemize can deduct cash contributions to offset up to 100% of their income. Donors who don’t itemize can take the standard deduction AND reduce taxable income by up to $300 per taxpayer for gifts of cash to public charities. 
Visit the IRS website for a full explanation.
Make a gift today
Spread the love and show your gratitude for someone in your life by making a gift to AIO in their honor. This year has challenged us all to show up for family, friends, colleagues and neighbors in new ways- and showing up we are. 

Is there someone whose efforts you'd like to recognize? 

When you make a tribute gift in December your honoree will receive a 5x7 printed card of this lovely original piece of artwork, Bounty, that was created especially for AIO by artist Sarah G. Lee. 
Follow Sarah on Instagram (@spruce_tree_studio) where she will auction off the original piece of artwork, with the proceeds coming to AIO.
Honor Someone Today!
Bringing greater awareness to AIO’s work in the community helps us reach more families who need our services. By sharing this newsletter, following AIO on Facebook (AIOFood70) or Instagram (AIOfoodpantry), telling a friend, neighbor, colleague or family member about AIO you are helping to spread awareness and warmth.

Do you know someone who could use our help?  Please direct to them to our website to learn more and share our brochure
AIO, like many organizations, is able to accomplish all that we do in large part due to our volunteers who donate their time each month (over 13,000 hours annually). If you have a little time and a skill you’d like to share, please contact us so we can discuss how to put you and your expertise to good use!
Kindness creates its own warmth. The pandemic has limited our in person interactions, which makes the interactions we do have all the more meaningful.
Let’s make sure they are positive.
Wishing you and yours a safe and healthy holiday season.
With gratitude for helping us spread warmth,

Liz Jenkins
Board President
AIO Food and Energy Assistance
EIN:  01-0510679
PO Box 113, Rockland, ME  04841

For Other Ways To Give

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AIO Event: FILL THE STRAND - Keeping Neighbors Fed and Warm


This season, show gratitude for someone special with a gift to AIO