Spring 2022 Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter: Spring 2022

Welcome to spring at AIO!

We are grateful to our entire community, who helped us get through another challenging Maine winter. With your help, we have provided food to more than 4,500 people during the first quarter of 2022! That is twice as many families than just one year ago.

Through local collaborations you will read about below, we have elevated the quality and freshness of the food available in our market. We have expanded our selections and created an authentic shopping experience overflowing with kindness and joy. We have provided over 24 tons of food through our Weekend Meals Program and distributed nearly 10,000 diapers! And, during this winter of record-high fuel prices, we provided heating assistance to more than 300 households.

This is all made possible by a fantastic team of volunteers who make it look easy. It is not easy. Sometimes the work is hard, and sometimes it is heartbreaking. Those are times when the true nature of our community is revealed. We take care of each other. We laugh together, and sometimes we cry together. But, together, we make AIO the extraordinary place that it is. I am fortunate and honored to work alongside each and every volunteer.

With gratitude,  

Joe Ryan
Executive Director, AIO Food & Energy Assistance


Creative Meal Planning and Preparation 
Providing a variety of healthy, nutritious ingredients that our clients can create meals at home with is our goal. We can all benefit from inspiration now and then for a delicious meal we can make with ingredients we have on hand. Over the last several months AIO volunteers have been working to provide this inspiration. Using ingredients available in the market volunteers are making dishes that are available for sampling while families shop. If clients like what they've tried they can get a copy of the recipe and all of the needed ingredients so that they can make the dish at home.
Community Collaborations
We often use the adage Together is Better and there is a reason: it is thanks to the more than 150+ individuals, businesses, and organizations that AIO is a hive of activity throughout the week. 
Collaborations make the world go ‘round at AIO. It is through our collaborations that we are able to not just provide more food, more often, but also provide opportunities for our community partners to play an active role in supporting and strengthening our community.
AIO feels fortunate for the long-standing partnerships with HANNAFORD, SHAW'S, and WALMART. Each of these businesses have provided weekly donations of food, non-food and gift cards which ensure a consistency that is essential for us. They are foundational partners, and we would not be where we are without them. 
We are excited to share some of our newest collaborations with you. AIO is working to change how food pantries go to market and it is through these partnerships that we are doing just that. 
Maine State Department of Corrections
AIO's collaboration with the Department of Corrections continues to grow in exciting ways that involve and benefit AIO's clients and residents of the Corrections facility. Contributions of beautifully grown fresh vegetables, beef and fresh baked good will be expanding this year to include fresh cut flowers, seedlings and honey- all grown in Warren. Currently AIO receives 100 loaves of freshly baked bread each week, which includes a specially designed label seen here. Residents are learning valuable skills and training that will serve them well upon their release as they look for a job, but through this partnership are able to see the positive impact their efforts is having by contributing to AIO's market. 
Knox County Sheriff's Department
The Knox County Sheriff's Department has been an invaluable partner in support of AIO's Diaper Program. Every couple of weeks they make the rounds and pick up diaper supplies from 7 local drop locations and deliver them to AIO. 

Watch for information about our Fill the Trailer event! 
Midcoast School of Technology 
Camden Hills Regional High School

AIO has been working with the culinary programs of these two schools cover the last year as they train students to prepare them for work in the food industry. Both schools are working with their classes to prepare meals in bulk, which is then packaged and labeled and delivered to AIO to distribute in the Market. 
Knox County Homeless Coalition (KCHC) 
AIO is excited to be collaborating with KCHC and The Landing Place, where together we are working to address two essential needs: food and shelter. KCHC's case workers invite their clients to AIO to introduce them to the Market and AIO's other programs. 
AIO is grateful to the local businesses who have been sharing their specialty products.  AIO's Market continues to grow and offer exceptional products to all of our clients.
  • ROCK CITY ROASTERS donates 20 pounds of coffee each week. They also provided a coffee grinder which AIO volunteers use to grind fresh beans for our clients.
  • ATLANTIC BAKING COMPANY donates a variety of fresh baked bread each week.
  • FIORE provides gourmet olive oils and vinegars direct from Italy!
Quarterly Review
Volunteer Spotlight: Sheila Curry
On Wednesday mornings you can find Sheila Curry at AIO, where she serves as the morning market shift leader, coordinating the morning’s activities with a team of 4 or 5 other volunteers. AIO is open 10-6 on Wednesday, which makes for a busy day from start to finish. Given how busy things can be, it’s super important to have a process in place to ensure things go smoothly. A key part of that is having a team committed to the same day and time each week. Sheila is the newest member of the Wednesday morning team, having been with them 2 months; the other members have been working together for a couple of years. 
Sheila has been a dedicated volunteer at AIO for the past two years. She has volunteered in a number of roles—starting in fall 2020 at the height of the pandemic and assisting with customer shopping, followed by working in the warehouse to pack food for curbside pickup, then helping with the Weekend Meal program and the Diaper Program, before she landed in her current position.  
Sheila lives in Union and worked as a RN at Pen Bay Medical for 36 years, before retiring 5 years ago. She took time after retiring to look around at the available volunteer opportunities before jumping in. Sheila shares that she was struck by AIO’s welcoming culture and was impressed by AIO’s professionalism. She credits Rob Holloway for the presentation and abundance of food found in the market, making it a welcoming and enjoyable experience for clients to visit. In her current role as shift leader Sheila shares that being able to interact with people in the community is deeply gratifying and is one of elements of her work as an RN that she enjoyed but had been missing since her retirement. 
We are grateful to Sheila for her commitment to AIO, clients and volunteers and are lucky to have her as part of the AIO family. 
Join Us, Connect with Us, Support Us!
Thank you for your interest in our work- we are grateful to have you as part of our community. There are many ways that you can help support our programs and the clients we serve: 
  • Share this newsletter with your friends, family and colleagues
  • Follow us on social media to stay updated on our activities
  • Volunteer with us! We have a variety of opportunities that can work with your schedule. Learn more here.
  • Make a monetary donation- when you make a financial gift you are helping to provide food, energy and diaper assistance to families who need help. You can donate online here
  • Make an inkind donation- Donations of food, diapers, and hygiene items are greatly appreciated. Learn about the most needed items here.
  • Hold a Food or Diaper drive! The majority of the food and diapers we distribute come from donations.
  • Hold a Facebook Fundraiser in honor of your birthday or anniversary
  • AmazonSmile- Shop at Amazon Smile and Amazon will make a donation to AIO Food and Energy Assistance. You must first register AIO as your intended charity.
  • Other Ways to Give- visit our website to learn about other ways you can support AIO.
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AIO Food and Energy Assistance
Mailing Address:    ​P.O. Box 113, Rockland, ME  04841
Location:  1A Gordon Drive, Rockland, ME 04841      
Phone:    (207) 596-1043
Email:   email@aiofoodpantry.org​​

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AIO Introduces ArtFeeds, a unique community collaboration


Shepard Auto Group offers a $5,000 Heat Assistance Challenge.