Young Leaders in Food Advocacy
This month, our Weekend Meal Program Manager Molly O’Rourke has been working with Katie Urey and the 5th and 6th grade ChangeMakers on their spring impact project. These young advocates are raising awareness about food insecurity in our community and schools & working to smash the stigma surrounding food assistance.
ChangeMakers is an after school enrichment program led by Katie Urey and Eat Play Love. Each session has a different focus, but all are designed to build self-esteem, resilience, authenticity, compassion and a positive mindset. Through team building activities, games, scenarios, books, crafts, and discussion, children are empowered to use their voices, find their brave and create change!
This year the ChangeMakers chose to focus their efforts on the topic of Food Security. The first half of their session focused on discussion, research and awareness building within their group. Now they’re taking what they’ve learned and bringing it to their schools and community!
What they’re learning:
-1 out of 4 Kids in Knox County experiences food insecurity.
-Hunger affects academics, behavior, relationships, emotional health and more
-Everyone deserves food
-Stigma is a huge hurdle to getting food to those who need it.
-There are local organizations like AIO that provide food to kids & families free of charge
-We are all in this together and it’s our job to start conversations, keep an open mind and support each other.
With hand-designed and handmade pins as the catalyst, these bright students are exploring community fundraising models, awareness raising and advocacy work in their community. This spring they will also be writing and filming their own Food Insecurity PSA to share with their schools.
AIO is very excited to be working with these young community leaders and we look forward to sharing their progress and final project with you.
For more information on AIO’s Youth and Families Programming click here.