AIO Food Pantry Purchased a New Building - October 5, 2018
The Area Interfaith Outreach (AIO) Food Pantry, Energy Assistance and Child Hunger is pleased to announce that we have purchased a new building - future home of the Food Pantry - located at 1A Gordon Drive in the Rockland Industrial Park. This location is directly next to our current location at the corner of Gordon Drive and Thomaston Street. Over the coming year, we plan to do some internal renovations and build an addition. If plans and funding all come together, we could relocate the food pantry to the new building in 2020.
The Impact of Your Support
Throughout our history, AIO has been very efficient and resourceful in meeting the needs of our community. Our success has meant that AIO has become a hub for many people seeking aid. In addition to our 12 member organizations, we work with Good Shepherd Food Bank to accomplish our goals in order to maximize the resources of our community.
We wish we were not growing, but all indicators are that our clients will continue to count on our support. AIO has the commitment and the capacity to make a huge difference in the well-being of our community, with a little help from our friends.
We would love to count you as a partner in our expansion efforts. To learn more about how you might support the project, please contact Paul Spizzuoco via