Keep Up With What’s Going On At AIO
Fill the Strand Success!
AIO, in partnership with the Strand Theatre and Allen Insurance and Financial, filled every seat in the Strand Theatre with bags of food and funds on Monday, January 18!
August Newsletter
Our August Newsletter should be in your inbox! Don’t get our newsletter? You can read it here! Or sign-up for our email list to make sure you don’t miss the next one!
July Newsletter
Our July Newsletter should be in your inbox! Don’t get our newsletter? You can read it here! Or sign-up for our email list to make sure you don’t miss the next one!
Summer Lunch Program!
If you pack lunch for your kids, here’s a great way to make sure your child gets a great, healthy lunch each day. You can pick up our Summer Lunch Box every Monday throughout the summer.
June Newsletter
Our June Newsletter should be in your inbox! Don’t get our newsletter? You can read it here! Or sign-up for our email list to make sure you don’t miss the next one!
New Building Campaign Goes Public!
AIO’s New Building Campaign Goes Public! You can sign up for our monthly newsletter to keep informed about our progress.
May Newsletter
Our May Newsletter should be in your inbox! Don’t get our newsletter? You can read it here! Or sign-up for our email list to make sure you don’t miss the next one!
Our April Newsletter
Our April Newsletter should be in your inbox! Don’t get our newsletter? You can read it here! Or sign-up for our email list to make sure you don’t miss the next one!
How you can help amidst COVID-19
An important message about how you can help AIO during the Coronavirus.
Modified Service during COVID-19
An important message regarding AIO’s modified service in response to the Coronavirus.