Our April Newsletter

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April 2020

A Letter from Our Board President
Dear Friends,

I hope that this finds you healthy and well. It's hard to believe just how much our reality has changed in just a month's time. These are unsettling times for all of us, but I am heartened by the outpouring of support you, our community, has shown AIO since early March. Thank you. These past weeks have been challenging, but as we know these are the days when people show their true colors and rise to the occasion. People have given generously of both their time and money, allowing AIO to purchase and distribute more food so we can help more people. We are staying abreast of the latest information regarding Coronavirus so that we can continue to serve our clients in a way that's safe for everyone.   

We are committed to ensuring that our services continue uninterrupted so our clients can rely on our programs for support, without worry, in these extraordinary times.

April 19-25 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. AIO celebrates our 30th anniversary of serving our community this year- something that would not be possible without the hundreds of volunteers who've contributed thousands of hours over the years to help run our programs. Thank you. 

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday May 2, 12:00-1:00pm. I invite you to join me for a webinar where I will be facilitating an informational session on AIO. You'll find details on the session in the communications section below.  

We are extremely excited about the progress that continues on our new building project. We are getting close to the finish line, with just $222k left to raise before we can open the doors. I invite you to learn more about how you can help us reach our goal. 

These are highly unusual times and we are grateful to have you as part of our community. Together is better—and together we will help individuals and families in our community who need it most and in turn strengthen our shared community.

With gratitude,

Liz Jenkins, Board President
email: boardpresident@aiofoodpantry.org 
Food Pantry

At the Food Pantry, we have modified our processes to protect the health of our volunteers and our clients by distributing food from our parking lot, following protocols of distancing and safety measures. We have also reduced the number of volunteers inside the pantry, who are the people assembling bags of food and home supplies (four AIO volunteers and one volunteer from our partner One Less Worry). 

Thanks to all of the community support, AIO is well stocked and ready to support anyone who needs food. When people need us, we are here to help. 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am – 12:00pm
Wednesday 5:00 – 6:30pm
70 Thomaston Street, Rockland (Rockland Industrial Park)
Child Hunger
Our Child Hunger (aka Weekend Backpack) Program Director, Sarah Skovran, and her team of terrific volunteers, have been incredibly busy- packing and distributing bags of food, containing kid-friendly snacks and a family meal, to 16 schools. More than 1800 bags will have been delivered by the end of April.

This food assistance program ensures that kids and their families have food on the weekends, an often vulnerable time for children in particular. Some schools are using school buses for delivery, some have staff members making deliveries, and some use a “pickup at school” model. AIO has received requests from many of our schools to add more children to the program during this difficult time, which we’ve been able to do thus far. Special thanks goes to the Reverend Wendy Anderson and the council of Nativity Lutheran Church, Old County Road, Rockport, where the food is stored and the bags are packed.
Energy Assistance
Our Energy Assistance program, which helps with heating and electricity disconnection, concluded at the end of March. We provided fuel for furnaces for 370 households, totaling $95,000. We remain concerned about those who experience Energy Insecurity during this crisis. Gratefully CMP is not allowed to disconnect customers for the foreseeable future - a situation our program normally would help prevent. Our Energy Assistance team is meeting regularly to discuss the program and exploring opportunities to partner with agencies, such as Window Dressers. We look forward to sharing updates on this program as we prepare for next winter season. 

JOIN US:  AIO All Community Information Webinar
Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 12:00pm
Join us for a virtual Zoom session with AIO Board President Liz Jenkins facilitating the session. Agenda will include updates on:
  • AIO and the community's response during the COVID-19 crisis
  • Our Food and Energy Assistance Programs
  • New AIO Volunteer Management Program
  • The new building project, answer any questions you might have, and provide ways you can help us get into our new home. 
We ask that you submit your questions ahead of time by emailing us at:  email@aiofoodpantry.org

Register in advance:  https://tinyurl.com/AIOInfoSession
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Dirigo Talks:  In case you missed Camden International Film Festival's program, Dirigo Talks -- a conversation with AIO's Liz Jenkins and Becca Gildred of the Knox County Homeless Coalition, moderated by Annie Brown you can watch it here. 


Stay in Touch- To stay updated on our activity, please join our Facebook Community and follow us on Instagram (aiofoodpantry).

Questions- Please get in touch with us: email@aiofoodpantry.org. You may also call us at 207-596-1043; someone is standing by to take your call. 
How You Can Help

We will gratefully accept donations to AIO that will support our food orders.
You can donate online here

 Page Gallery, in Camden, is generously supporting AIO through their Home Delivery art mail program. They have a new 2-color woodcut print from Siri   Beckman entitled Gratitude. The Gallery is generously donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of this lovely print to AIO. Thank you Colin Page and Kirsten Surbey for your support!
AIO Volunteers


  A very special THANK YOU to all of our volunteers! 

  This year AIO celebrates 30 years of serving our        community. Our organization is run by volunteers,    without whom we it would be impossible to serve      the community as we do. It's all thanks to our incredibly caring, hard-working, dedicated, thoughtful, generous volunteers. Please know how grateful we are. We celebrate you not just this week, but all year long. We know that you brighten the lives of our clients. Thank you. 

In the last month, our pantry volunteers have stepped in a significant way, having contributed 500 hours of time. From packing bags and boxes to greeting clients and unloading trucks, our volunteers have risen to meet the needs of our neighbors and we are so very grateful! 

AIO Volunteers Needed for Rockland Farmers’ Market Info Booth (Thursdays, May - October)
The Maine Harvest Bucks incentive program helps shoppers using SNAP food supplement benefits at farmers’ markets to stretch their dollars and access more fresh local food. (Learn more about the program at maineharvestbucks.org.) Info Booth Volunteers will play a key role in making this program a success this season. If you're interested in learning more view the role description hereInterested?  Email SNAP@mffm.org for more information. Or call 207-370-1524 to speak with Jimmy DeBiasi.

AIO Volunteers Needed Behind the Scenes
AIO runs on the power of volunteers, from all skill sets and backgrounds. Are you interested in volunteering with AIO from home a few hours a week? We are looking for a few tech-savvy folks to help with some short-term projects. Please email us if interested and we can talk through the specifics of these projects (email@aiofoodpantry.org
  • Development Administrator (database management, grants research and coordination)
  • Data Analysis (client service metrics, food purchase/distributed calculations)
  • Annual Report (write narrative, compile data analysis, design and produce)
Thank You!
       There has been an overwhelming response to the crisis ... neighbors helping neighbors, small businesses repurposing materials and labor, restaurants donating food and supplies, assistance in all shapes and sizes.
The generosity of our community knows no bounds.
  • Huge thanks to Beth Bowley, Max Barbour and fourTWELVE for creating face masks for AIO’s volunteers- 50 and counting. They will undoubtedly be as lovely as your clothing is. What a gift to keeping our volunteers safe and healthy- thank you!
  • Thank you to community members, Russ Wolfertz, Jr. and Jaime Fish Connell, representing Pen Bay Council of Realtors, who assisted AIO's Child Hunger Program on Wednesday with the removal and recycling of cardboard.
  • A special thanks to the Samoset Resort for your donation of over 2,700 pounds of fresh produce, eggs, bread and meat to AIO over the last several weeks.
  • Thank you to Lynn Archer and The Brass Compass for making delicious food available to our community and raising $1,600 for AIO in the process.
  • Thank you to the many who have donated financially to AIO and to those who made sure we well-stocked with reusable grocery bags.
  • Thank you Domino's Pizza Rockland, ME for supporting AIO's volunteers with the gift of hot pizza. What a treat! Domino’s will continue to deliver pizza to our volunteers during each pantry day and evening for the month of April.
  • Heiwa Tofu donated tofu which provided another protein option for our clients.
  • Thank you to Lowe's Home Improvement for the incredible donation of Gatorade! We shared their generosity with other food organizations across the community. 
  • Heidi Baker, on behalf of the Aldermere Achievers/4-H Club, donated 42 pounds of ground beef and Italian sausage to AIO. Thank you!!
AIO Partnerships
We are so grateful for AIO's partnerships.
This crisis has proven we are truly stronger when we stand together.

  • As a founding member of Community Investors of Knox County, AIO has seen firsthand the important work they do. Community Investors is formulating ways to respond to the new and immediate challenges facing our community. Learn how you can help by clicking HERE.
  • Because of the strong partnerships within the Knox County Food Council we were able to respond to the sudden increase in food insecurity as a collective, collaborative community. This enthusiastic group of folks in Knox County is dedicated to making our food systems more efficient for those who provide it, in order to create greater access to food for those who need it. The Knox County Food Council meets monthly to discuss a variety of topics, such as food distribution across the county (and the islands!), and ways to create deeper partnerships, collaboration and alignment among the various food-related organizations in our community. If you are interested in receiving the meeting information - agenda, notes, etc. You can sign up by clicking HERE.
  • Thank you One Less Worry for your ongoing generosity! AIO and our clients are so appreciative of your help. One Less Worry visits AIO four times a week to distribute personal care products. Watch their video to see what was in their latest delivery to community organizations, totaling $980 worth of products.
  • One of our partners, The Landing Place (a program of the Knox County Homeless Coalition/Hospitality House), is a comprehensive youth program supporting highly resilient and often marginalized youth living in Midcoast Maine. They are now doing outbound delivery of food for about 40 families (...and is expecting it to grow). If you would like to help support this transition in services please click HERE.
Building the New Food Pantry
Our New Home:  1A Gordon Drive, Rockland (Rockland Industrial Park)

The importance of completing the expansion and renovation of our new home has been reinforced over the last month as we've adjusted to respond to the Coronavirus. With more space AIO will be able to serve more people who need us. We are excited by the progress and hope that you are too. We invite you to drive by and take a look from the safety of your car.** The exterior siding is nearly complete, the freezer and cooler units have just been installed as has the root cellar (fresh produce storage).

We have just $222,000 remaining to raise (out of a $1.2m goal). If we can raise these funds by June 1 we will be able to open the doors in July. With your help we can get there.

We are so close to the finish line - will you help bring AIO home?

We invite you to learn more about the project and discuss ways you can help, please contact Liz Jenkins, Board President or 617-669-0819.

Ready to make a donation today?
You can donate online donation - be sure to designate 'new building campaign'. You can also mail a check to PO Box 113, Rockland, ME 04841. THANK YOU.

**New building location: 1 A Gordon Drive, in the Rockland Industrial Park, just beyond the current food pantry located at the corners of Thomaston Street and Gordon Drive (across from the South School).
Thank you for your generosity to our clients and our community!
AIO Food and Energy Assistance
Mailing Address:    ​P.O. Box 113, Rockland, ME  04841      
Phone:    (207) 596-1043
Email:   email@aiofoodpantry.org​​

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Kristen Miale, Good Shepherd Food Bank Interview


How you can help amidst COVID-19