Keep Up With What’s Going On At AIO
Food Delivery from GSFB!
AIO volunteers rose to the occasion when the Good Shepherd Food Bank Truck arrived last weekend with 20,000 pounds of food versus the expected 4,000 pounds.
Kristen Miale, Good Shepherd Food Bank Interview
An interview with Kristen Miale, President of Good Shepherd Food Bank, who projects food insecurity will rise due to the impact of COVID-19
Our April Newsletter
Our April Newsletter should be in your inbox! Don’t get our newsletter? You can read it here! Or sign-up for our email list to make sure you don’t miss the next one!
How you can help amidst COVID-19
An important message about how you can help AIO during the Coronavirus.
Modified Service during COVID-19
An important message regarding AIO’s modified service in response to the Coronavirus.
Pies on Parade
January 24 - 26, 2020 (All Weekend!) This is one of the largest fundraisers for the AIO Food Pantry and Heating Assistance Program. Every participating inn and restaurant venue donates their time and product so that 100% of all ticket sales go directly to the AIO.
Great things are underway for AIO in 2020!
AIO turns 30 this year and with this big birthday we want to celebrate by moving into our new building. We are officially in the quiet phase of the capital campaign…
GroundBreaking Ceremony: October 12, 2019
AIO purchased the adjacent property one year ago, with plans to renovate and expand the building to increase AIO’s capacity and ability to serve the community: More Food. More Often….
Welcome to the AIO Newsletter
We've launched a monthly email newsletter to share the latest and greatest news with the AIO Community. We welcome your thoughts - please let us know what helpful information you would like us to highlight…
AIO Food Pantry Purchased a New Building - October 5, 2018
The Area Interfaith Outreach (AIO) Food Pantry, Energy Assistance and Child Hunger is pleased to announce that we have purchased a new building—future home of the Food Pantry - located at 1A Gordon Drive in the Rockland Industrial Park…